Communication Request: Ministry Event/Program

    To support the event I will need:

    [group design-print]

    Design/Print: Requested Produceables (check all that apply) *

    [group promotion]

    Promotion: Requested Produceables (check all that apply) *

    [group copy-request]


    [group video]


    [group avl-group]

    Audio needs:

    handheld (quantity)
    head-worn (quantity)
    straight stands
    boom stands
    speaker’s stands

    Play Audio
    cd/tapeipod/mp3from videospotify

    Video needs
    Play video DVDPlay video onlinePlay video media playerRecord video
    Lighting needs
    static lightingmultiple scenes

    [group facilities-group]All facilities requests must be submitted seperately through MP at this link:[/group]

    [group photographer-group]


    [group guestservices-group]graphic for tvposter or sign for deskarea to set-up merchandise or other goods


    [group childcare-req]


    [group ministry]

    Ministry Department

    [group outside]

    Outside Group


    Approximate amount of participants

    Special Needs

    Additional Comments
